Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Odd Picture

We all come across funny sounding names of roads, towns and people. For example, today on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me (the veritable gold mine of odd bits of information on NPR) I heard the story of Bryan Scott Moron (that is his real name) who was arrested in Texas after he drove his truck into somebody's house while driving drunk.

I have this habit of reading aloud names of shops, roads, billboards, street signs etc. From time to time friends and family traveling with me in the car get quite annoyed by it. The flip side is that I notice much odd stuff that tickles my funny bone. There have been many such occasions when I wished I had a camera in hand to take a snap of these rare birds. Occasionally however I do have a camera handy. So here are a few peculiar snaps... I will keep posting these from time to time on Photo Chronicles.

These were taken during our trip to San Francisco last summer when we were waiting outside an Italian restaurant. The first one is just an alliterative road name:

In case you are wondering... here is the map link to it. I think I took the picture of this sign at the intersection of Green St. (aka BBB Blvd) and Columbus Ave.

This next one encapsulates the woes of finding parking in a busy city... something I am getting awfully familiar with. This sign was above the door of the Italian restaurant (The Trattoria Volare) where we had dinner that evening.

Hope you too stop to notice the occasional odd picture and enjoy it.

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